Are you looking For
Office Furniture Directly From Manufacturer?

Top 5 Horrible Mistakes you will make before finalising your Office Furniture.

  • Product dispatch on time
  • Selection of Wrong Furniture Dimension as per the actual Room Size
  • Expensive Office Furniture
  • Not compatible with comfort-wise or
  • Lack of options

To get your own Personalised Project Proposal Contact us Now

International Quality & Safety
Standard Office Furniture Manufacturer Of India

  • 90%

    Retention Rate

  • 460+


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Request Now For The Customized Furniture Catalogue Specially Designed For Your Office Which Can Grow Your Admission In Next Season.

Why Us

Do You Know Why YESBOSE is The No. 1 Choice Of Small to Large Space Office?

  1. When we design products for our customers. We do not let cost become a factory to endanger quality.
  2. We Match Our times line up to 87% on time.
  3. Picano has teams all over India from local contacts to offices in 4 states.
  4. We have 57+ Best Selling Office & School Furniture Designs
  5. We live up to our commitments Verbal or Contractual ( Always )
  6. Our Customers Love Our Service Commitment & Product concepts
  7. Picano Furniture Avg Life is 7-8 Years minimum.

Office Furniture Collection

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